Award winning photographer, videographer and video editor.



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My name is Lindsay and I am a 14 time award winning videographer, photographer, video editor and producer. I graduated from the University of North Texas with a Bachelors degree in Radio, Television and Film and a minor in Photography.  I consider myself to be one of the lucky ones because I have known since I was about 8 years old that being a part of the film industry is where I wanted to be.  I started out filming my big sister doing flips on our trampoline with my dad's huge home video camera that had to be plugged into the wall and then to a Polaroid One-Step camera.  The love for film and photographs grew with age and now I'm chasing my dreams and living the life I've always wanted by photographing and filming professionally.  

I am currently employed full-time as the Media Production Manager for Mothers Against Drunk Driving National in Irving, Texas working with and filming victims of drunk and drugged driving to help spread the messages that drinking and driving is never okay.

For 4.7 years, I worked full time as the Manager of Production at Susan G. Komen Global Headquarters.  I assisted our Headquarters, United States and Global Affiliates with all photo, video and editing needs. Before Susan G. Komen, I worked full time as the Manager of Production at an Interactive Video Marketing Company in Dallas and Los Angeles called Cinsay, Inc.

I also freelance, specializing in events, red carpets, behind the scenes, parties, portraits etc.  This website is an online portfolio to share my work with the world.  Feel free to contact me by clicking on my "Contact" page.